Sadly, we have had to cancel this months Village Hall Coffee Morning.

This was due to take place on Friday 14th April.

We have had to take this decision due to the unavailability of certain members of the Community. Apologies for the short notice, but the next Coffee Morning on Friday the 9th June remains in place. We hope to see you then.

Here are some Village Hall Event dates for your diary! Come and join us for our regular Coffee Morning. The dates for this year are

Coffee Mornings – 10.30 to 12.00
Friday 14th April
Friday 9th June
Friday 4th August
Friday 6th October
Friday 1st December

Team Quiz – Friday, 3rd November

Social Night – Friday, 15th December

Hello everyone,

Feel like starting off the Christmas festivities? Why not come to the Village Hall Social evening tonight? There will be a licensed bar, a good choice of drinks and tasty nibbles to kickstart the festive cheer….

All children are welcome, their drinks will be free of charge as usual…

We hope you will brave the cold tonight to come and join us for a cosy night in at the Village Hall starting at 7:00 pm until 11:00 pm. If you need some help getting down to the Village Hall, let one us know and we will get someone to help you.

Come and join us we look forward to welcoming you…

The Trustees
Dave, Pat, Keith, David Harvey, Henry


Oh and don’t forget… the next Seasonal event will be the lovely Carol Service in the Church on Sunday, December 18th from 6:00 pm onwards. So don’t miss that one either….again if you need help to get to the church, I’m sure there will be someone to lend you a helping hand.

Tis the Season to be Merry…





The next Village Hall coffee morning will be on Friday, November 11th from 10:30 – 12:00 noon.

As this event falls on Remembrance Day, a Poppy Appeal box will be available for those who wish to donate to this very worthy cause.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Village Hall Trustees




The Village Hall’s North facing roof was in need of urgent repair and planning permission was granted to replace the current Collyweston tiles with imitation Collyweston.

This work has now been completed and has included the replacement of the rear extension roof, which was not in keeping with the rest of the building. This work will now ensure that we stay dry for the foreseeable future.


Upcoming dates to put in your diary are:
November 11th – 10:30-12:00 noon – Coffee Morning
December 16th – 19:00 – 23:00 – Social Evening

We look forward to welcoming you,




The next Village Hall Coffee Mornings will be held from 10:30 – 12:00 noon on

Friday 9th September and
Friday 11th November

In addition, there will be a Social Evening on Friday 16th December 7.00 pm – 11.00 pm.

All welcome, so please do come along.


There is still time to join a fun Team Quiz to celebrate the start of the weekend events  of the Queen’s Jubilee,  so do get in touch with Dave Roome if you wish to take part.

The Quiz will take place on Friday, June 3rd at the Village Hall for a 7.00pm – 7.30pm start. There will be 4 rounds of 15 questions: The Queen & Royal Family; Great Britain; Our Sporting Nation & Played music with a Royal/GB theme.

There will be teams of 4, but if you can’t make a team up, don’t worry,  please enter and we will make teams up for you. Crisps & nuts will be provided for each table but please bring your own drink. A prize will be given to the winning team.

£10 pp to enter and all monies raised will go to the Disaster Emergency Committee-Ukraine Appeal.

To enter please contact Dave Roome by May 27th.
Email –
Telephone – 01572 821416)

Dear All,

Thank you for coming to the Coffee Morning at the Village Hall last Friday and a big thank you to those who provided the variety of very tasty cakes.

We had a good turn out and it was nice to see everyone coming out again. We managed to raise £101.00 which will continue to go to the upkeep of the Village Hall.