Just a quick update to let you know that we managed to raise £145.50 at the Coffee Morning held on Friday, September 10th.

Thank you to all who attended and to those who made a cake or who kindly made a donation.

The Trustees of the Village Hall

Fund Raiser for ‘Help for Heroes’

Capt Gary Rutherford RAVC
1st Military Working Dog Regiment
St George’s Barracks Nt Luffenham

Will be giving a talk about the important work his regiment carry’s out and his own experiences over 20 years service which includes tours of duty in Iraq & Afghanistan.

On Friday October 29th – 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm
At Ridlington Village Hall

Tickets £12.50 (under 18’s free) includes a glass of Wine or Beer plus nibbles. For a place/s please book by

October 1st (for comfort places are limited) Payment by cheque made out to Help for Heroes or cash


David Roome – 5 Main Street, Ridlington, LE15 9AU
Email – davr333@btinternet.com
Tel.:  – 01572 821416

The next Village Hall coffee morning will be held on Friday September 10th from 10.30 to 12:00.

Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy once again those deliciously homemade cakes and a warming cup of tea or coffee … let’s hope the weather improves!!

We will, of course, continue to be mindful of the Covid-19 requirements for hygiene, social distancing and masks wearing.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again.

Since the pandemic started last year, the first Village Hall Coffee Morning was held on Friday July 9th.

As it turned out the weather was lovely and there were alot of villagers who came to enjoy getting out and catching up over a cup of tea and delicious cakes.

A big thanks to everyone who came along, who baked a cake and made a donation. A total of £136.50 was raised towards the Village Hall funds.

We look forward to welcoming you all again at our next coffee morning which will be held on Friday September 10th from 10.30 – 12:00 noon.

Thank you once again
The Village Hall Trustees

BAINES’ BAKE-OFF CHALLENGE – Sunday, July 4th from 09:00 – 12:00 noon.

VILLAGE HALL COFFEE MORNING – Friday July 9th from 10:30 to 12:00 noon.

CHURCH AFTERNOON TEA –  Wednesday, August 11th from 2:00 -4:00 pm


Save the Date July 9th  from 10:30 – 12:00 noon ….

our first coffee morning since the Pandemic started last year…. Come and join us for a cup of tea or coffee. You will be spoilt for choice from a range of delicious homemade cakes. Enjoy at the same time the beautiful views over the Chater Valley.

Everyone Welcome.

Now things are getting better, and we are slowly coming out of lockdown, we wish to welcome everyone back to the Coffee mornings in the Village Hall.

The first will be starting on Friday, July 9th from 10.30 to 12:00 noon.
The following one will be on Friday September 10th from 10.30 to 12:00 noon.

If the weather is fine the grounds of the Village Hall will be lovely to sit outside and enjoy the spectacular views over the Chater Valley.

We look forward to welcoming everyone as it will be a great opportunity to meet up again after these long months of self-isolation.

The Trustees

Ridlington village-hall-meetings-agendas

The Ridlington Village Hall Annual Report and Accounts for 2019/2020 have now been uploaded and are available to read on the website.

Or you can simply click the links below

Ridlington VH 2019-20 Report

Village Hall A’C SUMMARY 2020