

View of Ridlington


The village defibrillator was installed in 2013 in the decommissioned telephone box on Main Street, the costs being covered by a donation from the Karen Ball Fund of £1000 and by donations from village residents of £1385.

There are renewal costs for the battery and pads, plus an annual emergency phone line charge. Since 2013, further voluntary donations have been made and the Parish Council has contributed £100 each year.

It is important to retain a reserve fund for the regular outgoings and also for any unexpected expenses. The defibrillator is an essential asset for Ridlington and can save lives.

If you feel able to support the scheme and contribute towards the reserve fund, there is a dedicated bank account with Lloyds. The account name is Ridlington Defibrillator, sort code 30-95-47 and account number 15679168.

Access to the defibrillator requires a code to unlock the yellow cabinet inside the telephone box. The code is C159X.

Further information about the village defibrillator can be found at www.communityheartbeat.org.uk/modern-aeds.

Or you can contact:

Peter Richards at peter@phrichards.co.uk      or
Mike Horwood at Mike.horwood2@btinternet.com