
Have you thought of becoming a Councillor for our Village?

In May 2023, all County and Parish Councillors will stand down after 4 years of service and a re-election will take place.

There are 7 Councillors for Ridlington so if 7 or less apply to be Councillors then they will be automatically re-elected. If more than 7 persons apply, then there will be a Village election on 4th May 2023.

Ridlington Parish Council meet formally four times a year in the village hall. There are a few other occasions when meetings are called for other matters such as planning applications. This is not an onerous role you would be undertaking. There is a professional paid clerk who manages the Parish Council.


If you would like to know more about the role please speak to one of the current Councillors or visit the Village website: ridlingtonparishcouncil.org
Thank you, Dave Johnson Chairman.