

We have received wonderful support in these last few weeks and I delivered 8 bags of donations in October and I now have 8 more bags! Thank you for your thoughtful contributions.

I have been in touch with the charity organiser who says that the storage facilities are full at the moment. A second lockdown has produced a surge in donations. As a result, I will not be taking donations for the time being as I have very little storage space.

There will be an article in the January Parish magazine updating you on the situation and hopefully I will be able to take delivery of your donations.

Tracey, one of the co-founders of the charity has asked me to thank you for your kindness and says that they really appreciate all that we are doing to help.

Many thanks for your support in helping the homeless

Margie & Martin Wall
8 East Lane
Mobile – 07928378668
Tel.: 01572 821397