

Hello all!

An update for Sunday!

Firstly, Thank You for all offers of help.

  • David and Henry are going to put up gazebos at 10:30 am on Sunday morning (other help welcomed!)
    Also help putting out chairs/tables needed at the same time!
    I have bunting and flags which we could put up on Friday/Saturday/weather dependent!

If you would like to help serve tea/coffee and/or clear up, that would be amazing- thanks for all the offers so far.

  • Jacky, Janet and Ali are providing and delivering games.
  • Tim is taking photographs – time will be 3:00 pm for a whole village photo…
  • Keith is doing a painting.
  • Jackie is putting everything on the website.
  • The quiz is going ahead.
  • I am collecting road closure cones on Friday and returning Tuesday.
    Main Street will be closed from 11:00 – 17:00 hrs on Sunday May 7th.
    Insurance and risk assessment sorted.
  • Jo Fairley is doing the altar flowers.
  • We are doing a letter drop as a final gentle reminder.
  • Dave Roome will  be providing music.
  • Sue has donated 2 mugs for crown/tiara prizes.

All we need now is DRY WEATHER.

41 folk have RSVP so far

So, we’re all set….

We can not confirm a village sign/gate/tree yet, but will move ahead on these after the event. Martin has sent through details of a village sign at circa £4000.

Well done one and all – see you on Sunday

Annie xx