

As the days begin to shorten, would you like to meet friends, and enjoy taking part in or learn a new skill?

If so, why don’t you join a new ‘Knit and Natter’ group at Chimney Cottage, Ridlington, from October through to the spring. No experience necessary. No need to book in advance. Just turn up on the day. Sessions include tea/coffee/biscuits/cake and a guaranteed friendly welcome.

So, whether you’re a complete beginner or an expert knitter/crocheter/sewer, come along for a cuppa and a chat and to meet other local people.

Sessions – Mondays 11:00 – 12.30, commencing Monday 10 October 2022.

Contact Annie Harvey for further details:

Tel: 01572 820273
Mob: 07751 079775
email: acharvey@hotmail.co.uk