

Coronavirus – Current Situation
As of 26th April 669,850 tests have been completed in the UK with 152,840 positive. As of 25th April there have been 20,732 hospitalised deaths in the UK.

In Rutland 19 people have tested positive.

As of 27th April 2020 (latest figures available) there were 1,483 lab confirmed cases in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) and 217 people who tested positive with coronavirus have sadly died in Leicestershire’s hospitals (University Hospitals Leicester and Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust) as of 29th April.

Update on ’Operation Shield’  (shielding and support for vulnerable people.)
172 calls through Crisis Helpline as of 27th April covering medication, isolation and food. Support continues to vulnerable residents.

(Crisis helpline 01572 729 603 – Mondays to Fridays 9am to 8pm).


Foodbank Community Collection
Successful trial completed for Community Collection Scheme – now ready to roll out across the county. Further local information to follow.


Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
This subject is being taken very seriously. There is concern regarding the decrease in referrals and proactive action is being taken. We continue to work with known vulnerable residents in isolation. Help is needed from the community to identify potential risk situations not known before.

Any concerns regarding a vulnerable adult contact the Adult Prevention and Safeguarding Team on 01572 758341.


Support for Domestic Abuse
RCC is committed to undertaking and campaigning to create awareness to include:

  • ‘Our Door is Open’ – Safeguarding Children
  • ‘Home Office Domestic Abuse Campaign’
  • ‘United Against Violence and Abuse’ (UAVA), our local domestic abuse support provider. Their contact number is 0808 80 200 28 (open Monday to Saturday) or (National Domestic Abuse helpline 0800 2000 247 freephone 24 hours)
  • ‘Silent Solution’ telephone number (if the caller calls 999 and is unable to speak when prompted and then presses 55 the Operator will then transfer the call to the police as an emergency)
  • ‘Childline’ –  Contact Number (0800 1111)

RCC welcomes followers via social media and asks for these campaign messages to be shared.


The NHS is open
NHS is campaigning to advise that it is open and safe for patients needing treatment for non- coronavirus conditions.

GP Surgeries have changed their working practices. Patients should phone their GP practice or check their website. Patients must not attend their GP practice without an appointment.

Urgent Care Services/ Minor Injury Unit to be contacted via GP Practice or via NHS 111 rather than walk- in.

Order prescriptions online or through our village contact (Debra Thatcher) NHS help on line at www.nhs.uk/healthathome
Download the NHS App to smartphone or tablet.

Use the NHS 111 online service for advice on what to do if you have coronavirus symptoms. Only call NHS111 if advised to do so by the online service OR if you do not have access to the online service.