Ridlington village-hall-meetings-agendas

Parish Council Meetings 2021

Please be informed that the following two Parish Council meetings will be held Wednesday, February 17th @ 7:30 pm Wednesday, May 19th @ 7:30 pm These meetings will be held via the ZOOM APP unless otherwise advised. Nearer to the…
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LANDS END TO JOHN O’GROATS: an update from Anne Harvey

I have registered to take part in the ‘End to End’ Land’s End to John O Groats Virtual Run (874 miles) and hope to raise money for Cancer Research and Church Funds. The event started on October 26th  2020 and ends up to 12 months later.…
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A heavy slant this month on thrillers, as follows: “Gone Girl”  -  by Gillian Flynn.  If you’ve not seen the film and like thrillers this is the book for you.  A gripping tale – Nick’s wife, Amy, is missing and he’s a suspect. …
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The Rutland Foodbank is currently short of a few things, including: Smash; Noodles Chicken roll Pot Noodles Cereal Bars Please see the following link for items currently needed: https://rutland.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/donate-food/ Thank…
View of the Ridlington Church from Church Street
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Church services have stopped until Sunday 21 February 2021. St Mary Magdalene and St Andrew’s, Ridlington remains open for private prayer on Sundays and Wednesdays 10am – 4pm; You can still access the weekly services on YouTube or…
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Hello Everyone, Some of you may remember us from 'An Audience with 'Buntie and Daffers'' which was an event held in Ridlington Village Hall on Friday, September 7th 2019 to support the Leicestershire & Rutland Air Ambulance service. We…
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Thank you to everyone who donated prizes for our Christmas Hamper Raffle: we are truly grateful for your generosity and support. A special thank you to Janet Horwood, who made the beautiful wreath to adorn the lucky winner’s door. You will…