
Update from RCC – Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) persons

Hello Everyone,

Here is an update for you from Rutland County Council regarding “Clinically Extremely Vulnerable” persons, for your information.

Thank you,
Dave Johnson.


“I’m getting in touch from the Covid-19 volunteer support team at Rutland County Council. This lockdown is different to last time and we also want to share the differences and the national support available.

Clinically Extremely Vulnerable:
As part of the current lockdown the government has written to everybody who they are classing as ‘Clinically Extremely Vulnerable’ (CEV), they are encouraged to go out for exercise, but to limit contact with other people and avoid visiting shops and pharmacies if at all possible. For support they are guided to ask a friend, family member, carer or a volunteer to help with medicine collections and other support. For medicines if none of these are available, then CEV are eligible for free medicines delivery from their pharmacy and should call confirming they are CEV and need their medicines delivered.

The CEV are also eligible for priority online supermarket deliveries, which they can register for following the details on the letter from the government (via the government website). For those who do not have online access, they should ask family and friends for help to register, or can call the RCC Crisis Line (01572 729603) for support with this or any other concerns that they have as a result of the current restrictions.

Support for medicine, food collections and befriending service are also available from the NHS Responders programme (8am – 8pm, 7 days a week, call 0808 1963646).”


Rutland County Council
Customer Service Centre:
Tel.:  01572 722 577


Visitor Parking Information & Map:  http://www.rutland.gov.uk/customer_services/visitor_parking.aspx

Email Enquiries: enquiries@rutland.gov.uk

Council Website: http://www.rutland.gov.uk

Visiting Rutland? http://www.discover-rutland.co.uk